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Many bass fishermen who don't have the means to afford a high priced boat for fishing think that they are reserved to fishing from the bank, but the truth of the matter is that this doesn't have to be the case. As a matter of fact there are many mini bass boats that are available to bass fishermen that require a fraction of the investment of a traditional boat for bass fishing. The boats that I am referring to are inflatable, and before you get turned off by the word "inflatable", take a minute to hear me out.
The inflatable mini bass boats that I'm talking about are amazingly durable and offer bass fishermen the flexibility that they need to effectively fish for bass, without requiring an investment of tens of thousands of dollars. In fact in some cases these inflatable boats require an investment of as little as a few hundred dollars.
  1. FoldCat 375c - This unique inflatable boat is large enough to comfortable carry 2 bass fishermen to any area of the lake that they desire. Powered by a pair of oars or an optional motor, this easily maneuverable boat has everything that a person could want and is lightweight and storable enough to be carried in the trunk of a car. And if you are worried about the strength and durability of the inflatable pontoons that make this watercraft a boat, don't. They can withstand being repeatable hit with the claw side of a hammer! This mini bass boat will last you a lifetime and only requires an investment of around $1500.

  2. Mean Green Fishing Machine - This unique bass boat is also known as a frameless pontoon boat and it makes the best mini bass boat for the lone bass fisherman. This boat is also powered by a pair of oars or can be equipped with up to a 3 hp trolling motor if you so choose. There are no parts to assemble with this boat and thus it can be set up in just five minutes. When it comes to mini bass boats for a lone bass fisherman this frameless pontoon boat is a difficult choice to beat. The price tag is difficult to beat as well, seeing as how this boat can be purchased for around $500.
The bottom line is that if you are a bass fisherman and would like to have the ability to fish from a boat, spending tens of thousands of dollars simply isn't necessary. Either of the above mini bass boats make an incredible addition to any bass fisherman's arsenal. I know I have owned my FoldCat for more than 10 years and couldn't be happier.
Trevor Kugler is co-founder of JRWfishing a website focused on river and stream fishing with a focus on fishing for trout. He has more than 25 years experience fishing for all types of fish, and has spent much of that time fishing in small rivers and streams.
Inflatable Fishing Boats -

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