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Micro guides appear to be the new essential feature on rods. Nevertheless, quite a lot of people (including me) are mistaken about what genuine benefits micro guides possess over regular guides. So I've performed some exploration and would like to pass my conclusions on to you.
The three major benefits micro guides tout are increased casting range, increased sensitivity, and reduced rod weight. Many fisherman also claim they notice less line tangles and rat nests with these guides because line memory is reduced. In theory, this happens because the line has significantly less room to coil as it is casted out and reeled in. This is not a quality most companies with this new feature boast about but it may very well be a side effect of micro guides.
Out of all the advantages, sensitivity is the most difficult feature to measure scientifically. Nevertheless, there are customer reports and reviews of micro guide rods that state sensitivity is definitely enhanced and here is one below:
"The small guides did just what they claimed they would do; lighten the rod, increase sensitivity and manage line better."
Bernie Schultz
Bassmaster Elite Pro
I also have a theory of my own to back up the sensitivity claim. I believe it's reasonable that if rod weight is reduced, sensitivity will increase in respect. Anytime you land a big fish on a light or ultra light rod you know exactly how massive that fish feels because the rod is much more sensitive and lighter than a medium or medium-heavy rod. If micro guide rods are lighter, I presume the promises of enhanced sensitivity could absolutely be true. In my research it seemed to be hard to locate specific rod weights so as to compare and contrast the rods with and without these guides, however, reports their custom micro guide rods specifically are 1/2 ounce to 3/4 ounces lighter in weight than standard rods. This is the weight of your typical crank bait and I think I would definitely be able to tell a difference. That is enough for me to believe the claims of increased sensitivity have some clout.
As far as increased casting range goes, it may seem to be irrational that smaller sized guides would boost casting distance as they would supply more friction since they are smaller. This is false however. The guides are not so small that they actually restrict the line from traveling through them efficiently. Alternatively, they keep the line more contained as it goes from side to side in the guide. Because horizontal travel is reduced in the guides while casting, early adopters assert they can cast 10-15% farther than before.
I personally haven't used a micro guide rod yet. From what I have uncovered I think I will have try micro guides on my next rod and see what they are all about. When I do I'll post an update with my conclusions here!
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