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Bass Fishing In late summer and fall will pick again. There are several reasons for largemouth and smallmouth bass are becoming more active during this period and catch bass on a fly rod is much easier.

The main reason is the bass become more active as the days get shorter and the temperatures begin to drop, the water temperature begins to cool. High temperature water containing less oxygen and more energy must be expelled under high temperature and under oxygen environment. The second reason we are lowest at this time of year is that the shorter days indicate that winter is trying to move forward and low to consume more food to prepare semi-dormant winter months, when the water is cold and there is less food available.

When the water begins to cool both largemouth and smallmouth start dating again cold deep water and begins to move in shallow water and become more active. When this happens, it becomes much easier to catch bass on a fly rod. In late summer of selection on the flies as you can work from 1-3 m depth. As the water continues to cool in early autumn to try to use Low Low insects and flies that float. A mid-autumn as water remains under cool again begin to migrate into shallow water so you can return the flies and insects that can work a little harder.

For flies that can work 1-3 feet, I would recommend Pearl woolly buggers head, big head woolly worms Zonkers Perle, Rabbit Strip Divers, frogs and bass. Working these flies and insects around submerged trees, logs, rocks or whatever else you can find that is one to three meters of the surface. For surface and near surface flies and insects that use low Popping Bugs, woolly buggers, big woolly worms floating frogs and flies, mice and rats. These flies work around obstacles and deep along the benches under the trees, bushes or whatever you can find that either overlooks the banks or in shallow water. Try different colors, sizes, and recovery presentations.

Understanding water temperatures on the effects and shorter days have on the eating habits of both largemouth and smallmouth bass, use good bugs and flies, and follow these simple instructions and you take more than your share of low quality.

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