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Lures are much bigger flies and they're tied with flashy colors and materials with a view to making a big splash in the water and attracting the attention of the fish. Lure fishing isn't one of the classic fly-fishing art forms like dry fly, but it is exciting, and effective - and sometimes it works when all other methods fail. Typical lures include boobies, dog nobblers, woolly buggers, cats whiskers and muddlers. Perhaps some of them imitate small fry, but perhaps most just look like a juicy meal of one sort or another!
Always fish with heavier leaders than usual when using a lure. You're retrieving fast and fish really hammer into them. They're not really examining the fly much, just hitting with force. Start with 5.2kg (7lb) or even 3.6kg (8lb) breaking strain.
You begin by casting your fly as close as possible to where you think fish are lying, or to fish you can actually see. Sometimes fish are tearing around on the surface (basing small fry and this makes them definite lure targets. Pause for a few seconds while the fly sinks, then retrieve it back towards you. Vary that retrieve: sometimes short, sharp tugs and sometimes longer pulls. Retrieve fast. Retrieve slow. Keep experimenting until you find the key.
Speed Up
Very often trout, in particular, will pursue a lure along the- surface. You'll often see the bow wave. It's tempting to slow your retrieve down, but in most cases it pays to speed it up and force the trout into making a decision. Bam! Thrilling stuff.
Change lures
Make half a dozen casts with your first-choice lure. If nothing happens, move to your second lure, then your third lure and so on. Once a trout, especially, has seen a lure two or three times without taking it, the chances of it doing so in the future diminish fast. For this reason, too, it's often a good idea to keep moving along the bankside, providing there is space to do so. The more fresh fish that you cover, the better your chances of making contact.
Check the rules
Remember to check the fishery rules. Some fishery owners put restrictions on the size of hook you are allowed to use. If you're not allowed to use any hook bigger than a size 10, you don't want to be caught using a muddler tied on a size 6!
Lure of the Day is a website offering Fishing Techniques For Beginners [] as well as advanced fishermen, along with plenty of lure reviews. Visit today!

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