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Breeding Koi is undoubtedly a worthwhile hobby, but it can burn quite a hole in your pocket if you are not careful. With that in mind, then my question would be, "breeding Koi for profit - is it viable?".

Well, the simple answer is "yes it can", as long as you know what you are doing, you are dedicated to the cause, have enough funds to cover the necessary costs, and be willing to wait until you have learned everything that is involved in the whole process. Breeding Koi is not an easy, genteel hobby. It can be hard work; Frustrating at times, but by the end of the learning process, if you have done everything right, it will definitely give you an amazing sense of satisfaction and achievement. Then, and only then, can you even think about making any money from your efforts. Not everyone is cut out for breeding Koi. It takes determination and hard graft. There will be a few setbacks along the way. Let's face it, you won't get everything right the first time you try things. Many people will just give up. This is when your determination comes into it's own, and the men are sorted out from the boys, so to speak. It is your determination and willingness to work hard that will get you through, so be sure that you do not jump in head first, and give it plenty of thought.

Set Yourself Sensible Goals

Set yourself goals, but make sure they are sensible, and attainable, thereby avoiding disappointment along the way. If breeding Koi for profit is your ultimate goal, then be aware of the old saying that 'you have to speculate to accumulate'. Meaning that you must be prepared to invest money first before expecting to make any. It is the same with any business, no matter what it is. Breeding Koi can be an expensive hobby. This would be the first thing you need to consider. This is why it is wise to think long and hard about whether your particular situation will allow you to take those initial steps, and to give thought to the type of equipment, and how much of it, you are going to need to get started. Ensure also, that you have the necessary space. Breeding Koi, especially for commercial reasons, means that you will no doubt want to own many different kinds, small to large. All these things have to be considered before taking that first step on your journey.

Do Your Research

It is important to do your research, and to do it thoroughly. Anyone thinking of breeding Koi for profit has no doubt been mulling it over in their mind for quite a while, before deciding whether to do it or not. Well, there are literally tens of thousands of people breeding Koi in the USA alone. Not all of them do it for profit, though! For the majority it is nothing more than a thoroughly enjoyable hobby. However, what this means is that there are a lot of people with a lot of experience of breeding Koi. There is a lot of valuable information that can be gleaned from them. Get to know them via the various forums they belong to and learn from them. If you make a mistake... and you will, then don't be afraid to ask them for advice. At the end of the day, it can save you valuable time and money. Besides forums, there are a lot of helpful websites about breeding Koi. Another thing to do is to visit your local library and read up on it. There are countless good books on the subject.

Basically, whether you make a success of it or not is down to you and how much you are willing to put into it in terms of hard work and determination, not to mention money. Only you know what your goals are and whether you are cut out for the sacrifices you will have to make. Assuming that you are serious about making the commitment, then I think it is fair to assume that you already have the love and passion that is necessary for you to make a success of breeding Koi for profit.

If you would like more information about how to start breeding Koi for profit, visit

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