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Fishing is an age old art, and as long as it has existed, there have been people attempting to find a way to make it more of an unattended sport or task. The best way we have found to do so is by employing a rod holder, and some people would resort to using everyday objects. As of late, we have ceased using rocks or chairs to hold our poles, namely because improper placement could cause one to actually lose their pole to the briny deep. That being the case, this are without a doubt the way to go.
Rod holders have been around for quite a while, as you can imagine, but cast alloy rod holders are without a doubt one of the better options when it comes to keeping your rod stationary. When you are purchasing any of this, there are several things that you will need to take into account. Failing this, you might find that this you purchase simply do not do the job.
First of all, it would be prudent to consider the length of the handle, or at least the average handle length of your fishing poles. There are some alloy rod holders that are designed to hold longer handles, namely those found on sport fishing rods. These types of handles will typically not be found on casual fishing or closed reels.
In addition to choosing the proper enclosure, it would be a good idea to make sure the rod fastens to your type of boat. For example, fastening your rod holder to a houseboat will be considerably different than fastening it to a kayak. The biggest difference of course will be the attachment, which often involves screws. On a houseboat or even a larger fishing boat you will have a rail to attach to via a clamp. on sport boats however, a more permanent attachment will be required. This is definitely something to consider before you purchase your alloy rod holders.
The final question you need to ask yourself is how many rod holders you actually need. When you are considering this, you should ask yourself whether or not you can move your existing rod holders around the boat. If you can, then you may get by with just a few rod holders. If they are of the more permanent variety however, you may need to buy several. Luckily, these rod holders range from $15 to $30 apiece depending on the type and quality, meaning they are not exactly going to break the bank.
Anyone who spends enough time fishing knows that there is very little action involved. Part of the draw is the ability to spend time in nature, getting to know yourself, and eventually bragging about the catch of the day. Good alloy rod holders will give you the leeway you need to really enjoy nature without keeping a physical hold on your rod at all times. Whether you fish from the shore or fish from a boat, you now have the ability to purchase a wide variety of fishing pole holders whether you buy online or visit your local bait and tackle shop. It's time for you to start enjoying the great outdoors with the help of this simple technological innovation.
Check out a great alloy rod holders and their

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