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First, ice fisherman needs the location of good lakes for ice fishing. Usually, a lake that produces a lot of fish in the summer fishing season also produced many fish in winter.

There are many factors in a lake in winter affect fish life, changing their reactions, their eating habits, and even survival. For example, a thick layer of snow on the ice will reduce the amount of light in the water filter, which reduces the growth of weeds and oxygen production. This will cause the fish to be lethargic, interested only conserve their energy to survive rather than expend energy to feed and move.

Lakes are poorly cut summer pastures is usually shallow and deep wells contains very few or stains containing oxygen rich pockets for fish to congregate, and may not be able to keep a large fish population during the winter months. Lakes that produce large quantities of fish in summer is likely to congregate in these pools and use up all the oxygen and not all will survive.

Fish die in the winter does not mean that severe oxygen deprivation occurred around the lake, some areas will always be successful fishing. Consider all factors when choosing a lake for ice fishing.


For new people get the best place to start is to go where the crowds or people before you start experimenting. People love to ice fish while fishing socialize as announced in the fun. The desire to share good fishing spots and the other is the advantage for the newcomer to ice fishing. Nobody cares if some holes are cut and some fish caught. Most other anglers will be happy to talk about their success and the bait or lure that have been most successful.

Most successful anglers who do not mind sharing their secrets and many ancestors draw great satisfaction from helping a newcomer to ice fishing benefits of years of experience. You will have some exceptions to this, but do not be afraid to ask and tell someone who is new to winter fishing.

Location of fish

Finding the location of the fish is often frustrating. Do not forget to fish winter action different from that of the summer months. The only requirement for a fish in winter eat enough to survive. Generally, feed a portion of the day not lose much of their energy. The competition for food seems to be the key to eating fish while fishing. Many ice anglers do not consider cutting all sounds adjustment holes affect fish shacks. After installing fishing and noisy stop movement fish coming back and being more active.

ICE Fishing Equipment

It's not expensive for fishing began in the winter (but can be expensive if you want). When you decide how much of your time is spent on fishing, then go from there.

For ice fishing weekend fisherman, I would suggest a fishing rod in standard ice, which can be purchased at any store items ordered. The stem is usually not more than a fiberglass rod about two feet long with two online guides and small rollers. The line can be between 2 and 6 pound test monofilament. Floats are a very practical thing for ice fishing to keep a couple in your bag. You will also need a variety of lures, hooks, sinkers, swivels and other fishing tackle base. As an ice chisel or auger ice appropriate for your ice fishing holes. Hit your local bait before heading out to make a living necessary for the species and the lake you intend to fish bait shop.

Do not worry too much about his first trip ice fishing on the lake. Departure early in the morning and fish until noon, and call it a day. If the fish are biting, you must have had his hand at the time. If the fish are not biting worry to learn to use the new equipment. The next trip will be more equipped and ready for all the fish you take.


Dress comfortably for winter fishing presents some problems that arise other outdoor activities in winter. The main concern is to keep the heat at all times, but fishing inherently involves extreme activity that will make you sweat if well dressed for then freeze when you sit too long. You can work up a sweat to get there and start fishing implement. After being for a long period after fishing, then you're cold. The secret is to bring warm clothes for the trip and have more downtime. A good set of snowmobile covers the needs of most ice fishermen. Remember layers under the parka, you can always remove it if it is too hot. Get out and enjoy ther, fishing and become addicted to fishing in all seasons.

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