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If haven't tried pier fishing before, it is a fun activity that is also very affordable. However, you'll want to take some time before getting to your destination to make sure that your experience is as enjoyable as possible. Here are some tips that will help ensure you are prepared.
First of all, you'll obviously want to have the right equipment. You'll want a basic spinning rod with a test line of between 12 and 50 pounds. This number represents the resistance strength of the pole. You won't need a very heavy one. Make sure you have one or two ounce weights and sinkers so that your bait will stay deeper in the water. Speaking of bait, you'll probably want sardines, squid, bloodworms, and shrimp. These are popular types of pier fishing bait. If possible, purchase live bait from a nearby shop.
You'll want some J-letter shaped hooks shaped and make sure you bring scissors that are strong enough to cut through line. Bring a knife so that you can cut your bait to the right size for your hook, and bring pliers or a hemostat so you can take the hook out of whatever you catch. A tackle box is great for keeping all of your tools in one convenient place as well. You'll also want to bring a bucket to keep your catches if you don't plan on releasing them and a picnic chair for times when they might not be biting. You should be able to get everything you need for far less than $100.
Next, make sure you pick the right time and the right location. The best times for pier fishing are normally early morning and around sunset. These times are less crowded, so there is less competition and much less bait in the water. The earlier you can go, the better. Many people like having their bait in the water by 6 a.m. If you choose to go at dusk, try to get to your spot about 30 minutes before sundown. During peak season, places can get crowded pretty quickly, so you want to make sure you have plenty of time to get there.
Find out from locals about where the best places are for pier fishing. Ask where the kelp beds are most plentiful or if there are any reefs. You may try to find spots where troughs and sandbars form. These are popular spots for fish because they look for food dislodged by breaking waves.
Most importantly, make sure you have a fun, relaxing time whether you catch anything or not. Many people will actually throw their catches back and are there for the relaxation more than anything. It's a great way to bond with friends or find some new ones.
Searching for panhandle pier fishing places? Check out Navarre Beach. Learn more by visiting:

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