
When it comes to soft baits, Berkley is a leading producer of some of the best baits in the market today. The scientists behind Berkley have spent years and years trying to develop an artificial bait that will surely surpass all other baits today. They have been successful in doing so and consequently gained a good reputation among anglers. Each Berkley gulp bait goes through a certain process which gives them a special and advanced scent and flavor that will prove to be irresistible to fishes big or small.
Berkley does not stop with just creating and selling baits. They also make a point of ensuring that all their soft baits are a great value for money by having them tested by some of the top fishing professionals in the world. Because of the meticulous processing and testing of their baits, it is no wonder why more and more anglers are using and approving this for your fishing trips.
Now that you have a background on what the hype about Berkley baits is all about, it's time to learn how to properly rig and use them for your fishing adventures. Begin rigging your gulp baits by tying a hook that is slightly smaller than that of your chosen bait. By doing a clinch knot, tie the hook just a few inches below the tip of your rod. Take your rigged soft baits along with the hook and thread it through in a downward motion in order to allow the barb to emerge just below the bait and pointing towards your rod. For smaller baits, you can rig two or more at the same time to both sides of the hook. For other types of Berkley soft baits, you can also try to look up the net on how they can be rigged.
When rigging them, keep in mind that the kind of jig head being used can ultimately affect the performance of your gulp baits. There are various types of jig heads and each of these causes your soft baits to move differently when already in the water. Another thing to keep in mind is to always ensure that your baits sufficiently covers your hook. By doing this you are disguising the hook thus ensuring that once the fish bites on to your bait the hook will be able to successfully pierce through the fish's mouth. Once you're done rigging, you may now proceed with your fishing activities.
Fishing is a great activity for anyone, but it can easily become disappointing especially if you will not be able to get a good catch. And a good catch is almost always dependent with the type of fishing equipment and tools you use. Berkley soft baits are among the easiest to use and they have a good reputation to back up their claim of increasing your catch rate simply by using their baits. True enough, with their advanced scent and delectable flavor any fish will keep coming back in case you don't get them in the first bite.
All Berkley Gulp soft baits have been fish tested and approved by anglers. Each Berkley Gulp soft bait has an advanced scent and flavor that are bound to be irresistible for fishes, big or small.

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