Since trout is the most common fish in fresh water it is a very popular species for fishing enthusiasts. Trout are usually at the top of their food chain, being the main predator in the streams and rivers they inhabit. Anglers used to consider their day a success if they could catch large numbers of trout, but in these more environmentally conscious times such greedy behavior is frowned upon. It is now considered good practice to release fish after they have been caught in order to preserve the numbers. It is this sort of tactic that has generated a respect for the angler as a guardian and protector of the waterways.
Brown trout is the species that is usually caught. This fish commonly feeds at the surface of the water, making it the perfect target for an angler. It can be found in many streams and lakes, moving around in order to find the most comfortable temperature. It has a reputation as a real fighter and as the ideal fish for anglers. The largest brown trout ever caught was a 40 pound specimen from Arkansas, which was caught in '92.
Anglers may also come across two other species of trout, the red and the deep water lake varieties. The red species often conceals itself under branches and bits of bracken. The lake trout is not currently considered to have a stable population and therefore anglers must release any which are above the specified size limit. This is designed to help maintain and increase the population as larger fish are ready to breed.
Two species that have been commonly confused with trout are the Brooke and rainbow "trouts". The Brooke is found in cool water in the north east of the US. It is related to the lake trout, but is not within the trout group. The areas in which it can be found are all in the wilderness, where the water is pure. They are particularly difficult to catch, and this together with the natural beauty of their habitat, has made them hugely popular with fishing enthusiasts. The world record for a Brooke trout was for a 14 pound fish that was captured in Canada as far back as 1918.
The "brookie" is considered to be a very attractive fish, but the most glamorous trout- although science tells us that it is not in fact a real trout- is undoubtedly the rainbow trout. In reality it is a relation of the salmon, but anglers have traditionally regarded it as a member of the trout clan. Rainbows are usually found in rapidly moving water, which makes for an interesting fishing experience. They are much less aggressive towards other fish than the brown trout, so there will tend to be a greater diversity of other species in waters where the rainbow trout is the dominant fish.
Trout fishing encompasses a range of different species, each of which is to be found in its own specific environment. Whether you choose to go for the common brown trout, or travel out into the wild in search of the deep lake trout, you will soon discover why trout are considered to be one of the best species for anglers.
Interested in learning more about trout fishing? If so, be sure to visit us at for details on the best fish finders to help make the perfect catch!
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