Let's discuss some bass fishing tips on spinnerbaits. First of all, the price of a spinnerbait doesn't necessarily mean that it is the best. I have found that average priced spinnerbaits usually produce the best results and hold up to excessive use. Next time you're in a tackle shop just have a look at the important features on a spinnerbait. What you want to look for is things like: the brand of hook, type of silicon skirt and type of blades. Usually if these items aren't listed then the lure is junk. Most manufacturers will list the premium items of that particular lure on their package considering they are paying top dollar to have them. A major item you should look into is the type of blade being used and whether or not it will hold up to the water you are fishing in. Most of this is common sense to the avid fisherman, but many of you just starting out will walk into a tackle shop and not even know where to begin.
There are so many types of spinnerbaits, crankbaits, jerkbaits, swimbaits etc. that I'm not sure if you could go through them all one by one even if you wanted to. Bass fishing has become very competitive sport. When determining locations to fish for bass, I usually look for areas of fallen timber that will present a good cover for large bass. Bass seem to love areas that are heavily shaded. Try to repeatedly make accurate casts to the same spot working the area and let the spinnerbait helicopter down underneath sections of the log. You need to start out with a plan on how you want to fish certain sections of that particular area of the lake. Adjust speeds of retrieval until you find the right condition that produces repeated strikes.
One of the best fishing tips that I can give you is to fish the points of the lake or pond you are fishing. These are spots that will go from shallow to deep water really quickly and they seem to always produce large amounts of bass for me year after year.
Michael Hicks is an active bass fisherman. For more Bass fishing tips please visit: BigBassFishingGuide [http://bigbassfishingguide.com/bass-fishing-tips/]
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