
Fishing is the act of catching fish and other aquatic animal. It is not an easy task to do and needs a lot of technique and skill. Patience and luck are also very important for a fisherman. A good fisherman masters fishing skills over years of practice and hard work. Most of the time, fishing is a traditional way of living over many generations. So the techniques required for fishing can be learnt from the ancestors. Major fishing techniques are using spear, net and trap, by angling and by gathering fish by hand.

The Hand gathering system is usually used for collecting seafood like shellfish, oyster etc. It is not an effective process for commercial fishing. This method has some different process to apply. Like trout, flounder tramping, noodling etc. It is probably the oldest method of fishing.

The use of spears is also very old. Its technique is also used in these days but with modification. The Harpoon, Hawaiian Sling, Polespear, Speargun, Tridents etc. are some modern modified versions of the old spear. These are very widely used equipments for catching big and powerful fish. This is a good method for fishing in an odd place like the poles.

For commercial fishing, netting is one of the best methods. Although it is very old, it is still used in modern time and the basic principles have not changed much. There are different kinds of nets for using different purposes. The common kinds of nets are cast nets, drift nets, seine nets, trawl nets etc. These nets vary over different reasons like the quantity or the size of the fish etc. Although the reasons are different, the basic throwing technique is same.

Trapping is a very common method for fishing by the professional fishermen. Like netting, trapping also gather a large quantity of fish. A trap is usually placed in a river or a tidal current. This kind of trap is permanent. Another type is not permanent and can be lifted to collect fish.

Angling is a very common technique used by both the professional and recreational fishermen. In this process, bait is attached to the hook and the hook is joined with a rod through a reel. A bite indicator is placed at the reel such a way that, if some weight is applied to the hook, the sinker will be drowned. The angling technique is applicable for everywhere: from a small pond to the sea. The general angling is used mostly by the recreational fishermen. Professional fishermen use some special kind of angling like long lining or trolling to increase the volume of fishing.

There are also some other techniques for fishing. Some of them are used for special kind of fishing. Some fishermen are now using modern technologies like motion sensor, sonar device, electro fishing etc. Some use the natural instincts of animal. However, the most popular forms of fishing are used for a long time and they are still the most effective methods if used with proper knowledge and skill.

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Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Christopher_John_Bennett

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