Bass will eat worms, other fish, and crustaceans as they aren't real picky about their diet. Smaller fish are their favorites though.
Bass can put up quite a fight which makes for an exciting and challenging battle. It is always worth it though, and you will probably come home with plenty of memorable exploits to brag about.
North America has plenty of bass in the streams, ponds, and lakes. Although there are many different species of bass, one of the most popular species of bass being caught is the largemouth. Most of the fishing tournaments you see on TV usually will include them. They also make a great trophy, one you can be proud of.
You can find a large variety of lures in your tackle store but you can bet most of them will be for bass.
When fishing for bass in the springtime it is best if you use the pig and jig lures. A weedless crawfish-colored jig with the living rubber skirts is what you want to use. Adding a crawdad-colored pork rind #11 will ensure that you have some great spring catches.
Keep your boat off shore about twenty to thirty feet and cast into the shore, then slowly work your lure in. Once you feel that slight tapping, set the hook. If you work your lure along the bottom in beds or shallow water, it will look like a big crawdad and attract many bass.
In early summer and late spring use some spinner baits such as a chartreuse spinner with a living rubber skirt. You can then skirt the line around the trees, weeds, lily pads and most anywhere. The easiest to use is the single blade models. This particular lure will make the bass go crazy and attack it with a vengeance.
In the late summer and in the fall use crank baits. As the weather gets hotter, the bass will get very active and will go down deeper. The crank bait can dive right down into their hiding places. Crank baits are better used in a natural color, such as the sunfish.
Use a large nightcrawler with a sliding rig if you really want to catch a lot of bass. Just use a small #8 or #6 Aberdeen type hook, and o-ring and sliding sinker, and a light test line. After putting your line through the sinker, tie it to the o-ring. After this tie your 16" leader line to the o-ring and then the hook. Add a nightcrawer to the rig and you're ready to go. You can fish the bottom with this rig.
These tips should get you some good bass fishing challenges and lots of good eating. So take the day off and go fishing!
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