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If you are a beginning river fishermen and enjoy river fishing in small to medium sized rivers that can be waded and fished effectively, this article is for you. I have been engaging in this form of fishing for more than a quarter of a century and river fishing while wading is by far my favorite way to attempt to catch fish. As a matter of fact standing in flowing water and enjoying all of the majesty that nature has to offer is, by far, my favorite thing in this world to do.

Below I will outline a few river fishing tips that any beginner can utilize to help them experience more success on the water. They have all helped me through the years and I know that they will do the same for you. If any of them aren't a part of your repertoire, they should probably be added sooner, rather than later.

Get A Pair of Waders - Investing in a pair of waders is something that every serious river fisherman should do. Wearing waders not only makes you much more comfortable, wearing them will also allow you to go fishing when water temperatures are very cold during seasons such as; early spring, fall, and even winter. The small investment that is made in a decent pair of waders will pay off in spades as experience is added on (and in) the river.

Learn the "Drifting Technique" - The "drifting technique" (also known as "drift fishing") is an amazingly effective technique to use in rivers. The technique can be employed while using spinners and spoons, as well as while using live bait and is without a doubt my "go to" river fishing strategy.

Try To Fish During the New Moon - Many beginners aren't aware of the fact that moon phases impact fishes activity level dramatically and that certain phases of the moon are more conducive to fishing than others. But the fact of the matter is that this fact is true and that the New Moon is the most conducive to fishing. In other words the three to four day period that brackets the New Moon phase each month is when you want to be on the water fishing. This is because the fish will be much more active and thus susceptible to being caught during this time.

Use Light Gear - Many beginning river anglers tend to use a rod, reel, and line that is much too heavy and it costs them bites from hungry fish. For most species of freshwater game fish light or ultralight action rods and reels should be employed. Not only this but your fishing line should be two, four, or six pound test. I have always found that the lighter the gear that you use, the more bites you will receive when you are wading and fishing any given river.

The bottom line is that these tips have enabled me to experience a ton of success while river fishing and I know they will do the same for you. And with any luck you will fall in love with this style of fishing just like I did all those years ago.

Trevor Kugler is co-founder of JRWfishing a website focused on river and stream fishing with a focus on fishing for trout. He has more than 25 years experience fishing for all types of fish, and has spent much of that time fishing in small rivers and streams.

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