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So you are looking for tips on fishing. Well aren't we all. The problem is most people who stumble upon a good tip is never willing to share it with anyone.

Its kind of like if they tell us the tip will never work again.

Fisher people have been like that forever. They wont tell anyone about their favorite spot, lure or bait.

They also tend to be great at telling fish stories. And it is always hilarious how the fish keeps getting bigger each time the story is told.

There are hundreds of little tips on fishing available that will help you put more fish in the live well or on the table for supper.

Many of them are also just tips that will make your day by the river more comfortable.

Like a mosquito trick I learned. We all know how those tiny little creatures can wreck an other wise great day of fishing.

Well mosquitos are attracted to your body heat. A quick little tip is you need to focus on keeping your body cool and make sure you use a good deodorant. Also when it comes to repellants you get what you pay for. So dont cheap out and make sure you buy a good repellant.

The next item in tips on fishing is avoiding hypothermia. I know I have been close several times. Sitting on the ice, shivering and barely being able to feel my body.

A couple things you want to do is dress in layers. Also you want to bring dry clothes with you and making sure you have a warm drink and a good meal will do wonders. The one thing you do want to stay away from is drinking alcohol. It may feel warm but you are just doing more damage.

So these are just a couple tips on fishing to hopefully make that trip a bit more comfortable and successful.

Fishing is the greatest past time any where around the world. Over the years I have either been told or stumbled across hundreds of tips on fishing.

I have now decided it is time to share some of these with all who are interested. I am presently writing an on going series on tips on fishing.

You are more than welcome to go and check out the series at Fishing Tips And Tricks

Also while you are having a look why not take a look at a funny little spoof about fishing with my wife. You can check that out at Tips On Fishing

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