
Every winter, Samantha's grandparents would travel from the cold winter in the north to the warmer weather in the southern states. They would spend three months there, amongst friends that also abandoned the frigid temperatures. It was really good for them, however, Samantha always missed her time spent at her grandparents house while they were gone. Grandparents have a tendency to spoil their grandchildren, and she certainly enjoyed that. The perk to their travel though was that Samantha would get to go to visit them for a week during her spring break from school. They would take her to the beach, go to aquariums, play outside in the pool, feed the seagulls in the morning, go grapefruit picking, and bike riding.

The day after Samantha arrived this year, they went to the beach in the morning and planned on spending the whole day there just goofing around. As they were picking out where to set up their chairs and towels, Samantha noticed some people pier fishing. She didn't remember ever seeing them there before, but her grandpa assured her that it was a very popular past time in the area.

Much to her grandpa's surprise, Samantha instantly wanted to know everything about pier fishing. What types of lures were they using? What kind of fish would they catch? Did they keep them or release them back into the water? When was the best time of day to catch fish? How did the tides and currents affect where their lines went? Her grandpa had all of the answers to these questions because he was an avid fisherman himself. Having done all of his fishing during the summer in northern lakes, he suggested that they both give it a try the next day. Without a lot of knowledge of saltwater or pier fishing, it would take a bit of getting used to and they would have to go get some gear beforehand, but it was sure to be a fun experience.

They woke up early and went to get a good spot and enjoy the morning. They did not catch much that day, but they had so much fun trying. They spent time untangling their lines, tossing back tiny fish, and trying to figure out the pull of the water. Even though they were not able to bring back dinner like grandma had requested before they left, the day of pier fishing was a complete success in terms of happiness. Both generations had fun trying something new!

Check out the Panhandle pier fishing spots you can go to at Navarre Beach. For more information, visit: http://www.floridabeachestorivers.com.

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Antoinette_Ayana

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