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By: Eric Vuong

Water has endless benefits for mankind! Though many wouldn't give a second thought to this, but after reading the entire thing majority will be surprised with this lesser known advantage of water.

When it comes to the healthy benefits of water people are only aware of the drinking benefits of water. And bathing also! (Can't ignore that!) But along with these there are some other vital benefits of water.

Very few people have a penchant for boating. While its other counterparts like surfing, tubing and wake boarding have gained much popularity, boating has remained over shadowed. While the former water activities have a much affluent status, boating and especially on a wooden boat has an under privileged status and is lesser known. Much less is known about the various health advantages of boating.

The concept of boating is usually limited to fishing and in some places for travelling. But apart from this it also has a recreational use based on the different boat models available. In many places like India, boating is a traditional sports activity too.

Contrary to the belief of people, boating provides immense health benefits. It's a low impact activity that has tremendous potential in burning the extra calories. It helps in burning the fats deposited around the arms, waist and thighs. The continuous rowing of the boat increases the metabolism of the fats present around the arms, which in return also affects the region around the waist. The impact on the thighs depends upon the position in which the rowing is done- by sitting or standing. While during sitting the impact is a bit less, standing puts a heavy impact on the thighs too.

Are you all set to start boating? Yes? But wait, there's something more to this. Boating doesnt mean that you will simply take your wooden boats and start boating anywhere. Wait, it can be disastrous! You need to learn a great deal before starting your venture.

There are a number of boat models available, which are specially designed for different water bodies. Here's a complete list of them:

If you have lakes or rivers nearby you can opt for a canoe.

If you belong to a coastal region, kayaks are the best option for you. These are especially suitable for inland waters and along the ocean coasts.

Row boats are the best for restricted waters.

Contrary to their steel and aluminium counterparts, wooden boats are much better. Though theres no proved evidence in this regard, but still, the use of wood and the aura created due to the combination of wood element and water element puts a tremendous effect on individuals.

Looking for wooden boats? Contact Wooden boat USA for various designs and models of canoe, kayak and other water crafts. For more details browse through

About the Author:
This article is produced by Wooden Boat USA – a USA based wooden kayak, wooden canoe, and wooden boat Dealer Company. You can mail us at
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