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Surf fishing for beginners can be one of the best experiences there is. A day at the beach is fun in itself, but adding the thrill of landing a big fish makes it doubly exciting. Surf fishing is pretty easy to learn and it surprisingly doesn't cost much to start out. The main thing is learning the basics.

Here is a short surf fishing for beginners guide to this exciting sport.

Make sure you have what you need.

Here's a basic list of supplies:

A spinning medium action rod about 10', and a reel with about 150 feet of 30 lb test line
Bait and tackle (visit the local tackle shop to find out exactly what you'll need for that area)
Pocket knife, gloves and pliers
Bait bucket and sand spike
Reel holder
Beach chair, snacks and drinks (optional)
Find your fishing spot.

The edge of rip currents or the leeward side of rock jetties (the side opposite from where the waves hit the point of the jetty) both make fishing eddies that provide the best results when surf fishing for beginners
Look up and down the beach and find where the water washes furthermost up the shore. The edge between one of these points and where the water rushes back out is optimal fishing area
There is a trough that runs parallel to the shore line where fish love to hide and wait for food. When you're looking toward the ocean, the trough is going to be about 20 to 50 feet in front of you depending on the tide.
Casting long.

You'll want to get your bait out to where the fish are and, in surf fishing, that means you'll need to cast long. Wade with your baited rod out to the top of the first sand bar to do your cast. Wade back to the beach and put your rod in its holder and wait for it to double over!

Surf fishing is the most exciting type of fishing, in my opinion. It doesn't require much money to get started and almost anyone can do it. Learning surf fishing for beginners is fun and relaxing.

Not only that, but anyone can catch fish on any beach if they know how to read the surf. To learn exactly how to do this and avoid getting skunked next time visit

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