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The carp are distributed around the world, they are fished for food in certain part of the world especially in Asia and Europe. Carp are considered a sport fish and in the UK carp fishing is very popular. In North America, carp are still being considered as pest due to the damaged vegetation they caused when feeding on the bottom of lakes and rivers. With the help from groups such as Carp Anglers Group and American Carp Society, carp fishing is attracting positive attention from the public. Carp rods and reels are essential kit that you should pay close attention to when starting out into the sport. Picking the right gear can greatly improve your productivity.

Carp rods are made from carbon material which are thin, light and very durable. Most manufactures produce the rods in many lengths ranging from ten to thirteen feet and can come in two or three piece set. If you are buying a two piece set, make sure there is room in your car to store it. Some rods come with cork or foam grip just for aesthetic purpose only. The rod guides are made from composite or titanium material. If you are using braided line for carp fishing, the titanium guides are recommended.

When choosing your fishing rods, you should look at the test curve of the particular rod. It measures the amount of tension that the rod can handle. If you are fishing for small size carp, then a two pound test curve is ideal. However, if you are looking for the 40 pounds plus monster, I would recommend choosing a rod with a higher test curve such as 3 to 4 pound.

Another important feature that you should consider when picking carp rods is the type of action. Fast tip action rod provides enough power to sling the bait over long distance. The medium action type rod is ideal for hurling large bait such as feeder and PVA bags over very long distance. If you prefer more rod control and casting close to shore, the all through action is the one to pick.

You don't have to purchase multiple rods all at once when you're just getting into carp fishing. A good rod to begin with is a fast tip action with 2.5 test curve and 12 foot in length. You can add more rods to your collection as you get more advanced with your skills. Test out different fishing rods at the fishing shop and decide on the one that you like the most.

Carp fishing requires a reel with large spool to handle the long distance cast. The baitrunner reel is a popular reel to use for carp fishing. It has a drag system that allows the fish to pull the line without pulling the rod with it. You should try the reel and rod together to make sure you're comfortable casting with it.

Picking the right fishing rods and reels for carp can greatly improve your chance of success. Carp fishing is fun and any one can give it a try. You should also consider looking at the outdoors.

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