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In today's troubled economy it has become essential to save money wherever we possibly can. We have to buy essentials like food and pay the rent or mortgage and there is very little we can do to save money on this type of payment. However we can save money on many of our discretionary expenditures by looking for the very best price we can find. Fishing tackle is one of these things that we don't have to buy--it is not a necessity. However those of us who like to fish consider this to be the next thing to a necessity. We want to be able to buy some tackle from time to time when we need it. We of course don,t splurge when money is tight but we look for a really good price on the things we most want. It is possible to save a bit of money on new tackle by getting it from discount suppliers, but the really big savings are to be found by purchasing used fishing tackle.

When we talk of used tackle, or used anything, some people automatically equate that with beaten up well used old "stuff". Nothing could be further from the truth. It is absolutely possible to get used tackle which is just like new in everything but the price. Where can you find this? The very best and lowest price source of used fishing tackle is your neighborhood garage sales, which take place every weekend. Anyone who is a regular garage sale searcher knows just how much fishing tackle and other sports equipment is to be found there. Particularly if you live in an area where fishing is good, and there are a lot of anglers, you will find an abundant supply of used fishing rods, reels and tackle in garage sales. Best of all the price is only a fraction of the new cost. It is not at all unusual to buy, for $10 to $20, a rod or reel which cost new around $100. Lures which cost $5 each and up can often be bought in a tackle box lot for $10 to $20 and if you total the cost of the lures it may be well over $100

Spinning tackle, fly fishing equipment, salt water gear--no matter what you are looking for you will find it sooner or later at an unbelievably low price. Another good source for used fishing tackle is online auctions. eBay in particular regularly has thousands of listings of fishing tackle of every kind. Really good, as new, tackle will sell for a fraction of the new cost--not quite as low as in garage sales but nevertheless at real bargain prices. Used fishing rods, in excellent to near new condition, by the very best makers will sell for less than half the new cost quite regularly and even brand new fishing tackle goes for well under the retail price. You do have to figure in delivery costs when you are bidding and adjust the price you will pay accordingly. Be very careful not to get into a bidding war and bid higher than you intended to. It is easy to get caught up in the bidding excitement and overpay. You must decide in advance what your top price will be and stop bidding immediately that level is reached.

Another good source for used fishing tackle is estate sales. These may be garage sales or you may have to phone ahead and make an appointment to view the items for sale. If so you can ask if there is any fishing tackle and save a trip if not. The items in estate sales must be sold to divide the proceeds between the beneficiaries of the estate, so they will usually be open to offers on most things. Another source for good used fishing tackle is flea markets where prices can be very reasonable. There is no need to deny yourself some fishing tackle when you can purchase at these very low prices.

John Mowatt is a keen fisherman who has saved a great deal of money by purchasing used fishing tackle. You will find much free information about used fishing tackle, where to buy it and what to pay, at his website: used fishing tackle [] and you will find more detailed material at his blog used fishing tackle

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