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The old myths are shattered. You will be introduced to fly in a completely different way. Fly fishing is no longer as difficult to learn or expensive to participate in. You will soon come to realize that this sport is easy to learn, and your efforts will be rewarded with several fantastic day on the water!

Learning to Fly fishing is a great way to use all the resources that are available to everyone - worldwide. Oceans, rivers, lakes, bays and estuaries is literally full of game fish and are easily accessible. Learn to fly fish, you can enjoy nature, do light exercise, relieve the stresses of everyday life, and even better, there are no fees or country club green fees - not a member tab and no lines to wait!

Here are the myths:

1) Fly fishing is difficult

Fly casting takes to be a few practice sessions competent enough to hit the water - but that's all you need to start. Why not take a look at some lessons fly fishing line (see the Resources section at the end of this article) - then practice in a park, your garden or in a private place. Beat of a lake or pond where you will not find many obstacles behind you in the way. Catch a fish pan them learn to land fish - now you are ready for the current, the sea or wherever you want to fly fish!

2) Fly fishing is expensive

It is not easy. Fly fishing can be expensive if you do a lot of your hard earned money on the first upscale Mullah (dare say - expensive) spend gear stolen. Do not go down the line, either - inexpensive equipment is difficult to use because inexpensive materials heavier and not as stiff as graphite quality. Accelerate very cheap just do not take the use of wild fish - and we are strong, we are not?

So - look around. There are some good deals on beginner fly fishing outfits - do not be put off the word "beginner". This machine is not only very cheap, but the rods are specifically designed to be easy to start and will last longer if you take care of them. Take it from a fly fisherman who his first (and valuable!) Fly rod in the tailgate of a Toyota Celica broke! Some fly rod outfits even come with a safety bar and coil travel bag!

3) You may Trout Fly

You get the picture. Trout stream, pipe in mouth, tweed jacket, leather patches, wicker creel ...

Wrong. Fly fishing is now so much more exciting than that (but if the above appeals to you - by all means - knock you off!).

I took the fly in my early twenties after a childhood memory of my father and other fly fishers on the famous Beaverkill in Roscoe, NY. Let's just suffice it to say it. A lot of tweed and wicker furniture in the 60s "Today, the world has changed now - the forty-something-year-old with his wife on the flats in the Florida Keys track barracuda, bonefish and permit image all tropical, fresh, hot, we were fishing machine -. Thats all what you ask in the Department of excitement!

Species: All - Come on, OK - trout, bass (largemouth and smallmouth), carp, pike, walleye, perch, sunglasses, crappie, steelhead, salmon (! Many varieties - and Lox is not a lot of salmon), then there is striped bass, bluefish, false albacore, bonito, weakfish, bonefish, barracuda, permit, mangrove snapper, snook, Spanish mackerel, jack crevalle. Oh, the list goes on! But I'll stop.

4) Fly fishing must be carried out in exotic locations

Although the Florida Keys are very nice, as well as New Zealand, Christmas, Belize island, etc. ...

There are so many places nearby house that can and will provide you with the entire experience of fly fishing. Your local park may have filled a pond. This small creek with the bridge you cross every day - maybe a trout stream. The beach that you have to take the dog for a run - there are fish to be caught! Fly fishing is a sport that allows you to open your eyes and appreciate the world around you.

Again, sounds good holiday!

Places: rivers, streams, rivers, streams, creeks, lakes, ponds, farm ponds, Atlantic Ocean, Pacific Ocean, bays, estuaries, piers, flats, reefs ...

5) You need a doctorate in biology successfully

You do not succeed in fly fishing a Ph.D. in any subject! You might think after talking with some fly fishing. The reality is that one. Above-complicate this sport as much as you want Yes, this time the fish are selective (will take you fly fishing) --- but in most cases you can cheat properly used with a choice of two or three birds.

6) You need to fly fishing an Olympic athlete

Just like in any other sport, you can participate in your physical abilities and pull pure pleasure! Groups to further expand access sites for people with disabilities on rivers and lakes - all over the United States (and the world), and you can have a place for fly fishing on the outskirts of your car!

7) You can not learn to fly fish on your own

Many have and many will. Guides, fly shops, fly fishing schools and others will try to convince you that you need to start these expensive lessons. We disagree. And here are the key words - There are so many great resources for the beginner fly fisherman "Begin." - Just read a little, whether online or offline, and get out on the water and fly fish!

)8 I thought you had to attach a real live fly at the end of the line

Negative. Fly fishing is all "fly" through imitating fish food with one hand, often built fur and feathers, but can also be made from synthetic materials. The key here is to maintain the natural food of the fish species you are imitating fly fishing. For example, saltwater species often feed on small minnows - and saltwater "flies" often imitate small fish or minnows.

9) I can't do it, I was trying to

Here's the thing about fly casting: You do not start a weight at the end of the line as a spin rod. You are casting the fly line itself. Here is a simple analogy: Imagine grown with a stick with an apple on top. You want to throw the apple across the room to your friend. You do not have the stick and abruptly swing the momentum of the apple let fly at the top of the stick and fling it across the room to wait for your friend. Now imagine that the stick is your rod and the apple is actually your fly line. Fly fishing is essentially the same as the analogy begins before your occupation, just like when you threw the stick, then stop abruptly to the fly line to start forward. Check out the resources at the end of this article for a cool animation that you can see the basics of fly casting.

10) You have to throw very far to catch fish

Most of the fish you are targeting are less than 30 feet - or you can get within 30 yards of them. To start a fish so far, only the possibility of 21 to 23 Feet running fly line, taking into account the fact that most leaders (your terminal) 7.5 to 9 m We know, for some, that one or two training sessions - you will unless further casting!

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