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As soon as Old Man Winter gets in form, ice fishing enthusiasts are checking temperatures and ice thickness, and getting all their gear ready. The Pocono Mountain region in Northeast Pennsylvania offers some ideal spots for this very traditional sport. The Poconos are within easy driving distance from New York City and New Jersey, and of course, Philadelphia and other parts South. Well maintained roads lead in and out of the region, connecting it with some of the most populated parts of the United States.

The Poconos has many lakes, big and small, that offer fine sport throughout the year, and winter is no exception. The region also offers many amenities and entertainment during the cold months, which will occupy a sportsman's time when not out on the ice. From bars and other watering holes, to restaurants offering local and exotic cuisine, and on to plays and concerts, you need not be bored when you're done fishing for the day.

Just to set the stage, ice fishing refers to the practice of fishing, with lines and fish hooks, or in some cases spears, through a hole cut into the ice that is covering a body of water. Some bodies of water in the Poconos are even regularly stocked by PA Fish & Boat Commission, and you'll want to check their stocking schedules. Once the ice is thick enough, and we'll review those parameters below, fishermen go out on to the ice and cut a hole using an auger, an axe or any other suitable tool. The fisherman can stay out in the open, or inside a portable shelter that he or she has brought along. In some cases, there are permanent shelters that are used.

It is important to dress appropriately, and usually to have some sort of heating device. This is used not only to maintain a person's body heat, but in extreme weather, it also serves to keep the fishing hole clear of ice. Without this, it will freeze up again constantly, which will become an annoyance. A very real danger is to overestimate the ice's thickness, and every year people end up falling in as the ice breaks beneath them. A safety device consisting of two spiked handles joined by a rope will be a lifesaver in such a situation, allowing you to pull yourself out of the water and back on to the ice, and they are very inexpensive. But even better is to make sure the ice is thick enough, and monitor changing conditions closely.

Recommendations state the ice should be no less than 4 inches thick, though many will go out if it is 2 and a half inches, at least. Remember that if you are going out on the ice on a vehicle, such as an ATV, the ice needs to be even thicker. Check with the locals, as they will always know more than you can hope to learn via the Internet or other resources.

Northern Pike and Walleye are my personal favorites, and are to be found in many of the larger lakes in our local State Parks, such as Tobyhanna's. But there are all kinds of fish besides these. PA Fish & Boat Commission routinely publishes information on fish populations and overall conditions, as well as safety tips. Their website should be one of your preferred resources. You will want to do some research prior to heading out, in order to pick a location that will allow you to get the most out of it.

Accommodations can easily be had in the area, and fishermen will be well advised to reserve these ahead of time, as they can go quickly. Rental cabins and houses can be found right up against the lake you're targeting, sometimes. And you will find that this need not be an expensive sport, but it will be an enjoyable one, with lots of opportunities for bragging afterwards!

Andres Pedraza is originally from New York, but has lived in the Pocono Mountains for over 10 years, and has gone native. No longer feeling comfortable in the city, he now prefers the outdoors no matter what season of the year we're in. Please check here for general information on Pocono Rentals, or here for specifics on Pocono Cabin Rentals.

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