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I am not a professional fisherman. I do not fish every day, every week, or even every month. As much as I love to fish, life often gets in the way. I am what you would call a recreational fisherman.

When I do get the time away from my busy schedule to fish, I want to catch fish! I'm not interested in fishing for hours and hours without catching fish. It is true that a day fishing without catching anything is still better than a day spent in the office, but I say why limit ourselves to that kind of thinking? A day spent fishing catching a lot of fish is better than a day spent fishing without catching anything.

When I want to catch a lot of fish, when I want to catch big fish, I go to Mammoth Lakes, California. My tackle consists of a custom made 7' rod, a Shimano Stradic spinning reel, and a bubble and trout worm set-up.

In my humble opinion, Mammoth Lakes is the best place to get a line wet in California. For the better part of my life I have been fishing there with my family. In the early years there was a steep learning curve for me. I was learning how to cast, how to tie, how to locate fish, and how to avoid the terrible fishing line tangles. As I got older, I began to eliminate the lures and bait that don't work well, and only use the things that work the best. To save the suspense, the best thing to use in Mammoth Lakes is a Flourescent Orange 3" Berkley Power Floating Trout Worm. You can check out the trout worms on the Berkley website at

Every year when I go to Mammoth Lakes, I catch a ton of fish with the trout worm. To give you an idea, a ton of fish is a limit in 30 minutes and 100 fish in a 3 day weekend. Don't worry, I throw all the fish back. When I am fishing and catching a bunch of fish, it never fails that people start walking up to me and whomever I am fishing with (usually my dad) and ask us what we are using. On one of these occasions I thought to myself, I should put the information online so that more people can find out how to fish Mammoth. There are plenty of stocked fish for everyone to catch some, so why not help others?

If you want to find out more information like the colors to use, how to tie it all on, maps of secret places I fish, and all the information you need to catch hundreds of fish in a weekend, check out my website blog at

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