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Many people will tell you lots of things when you let them know you are off on a fishing trip. Fishing as a hobby and as a sport is acquiring popularity slowly, but there are still certain people who will be discouraging. Do not listen to them as every thing or activity will have some people who swear by it, and some others who are dead against it. Fishing can be one of the best experiences you've ever had and do not let the opinion of some people reflect upon that experience negatively.

First the foremost people will tell you that fishing is a waste of precious time. They will tell you that it takes hours to catch one fish and you can do so much more with your time if you indulged in another hobby. Well, yes. Fishing does require you to have or inculcate patience, but it also teaches you a whole lot more. While you are sitting there waiting for the fish to bite, you realize the value of patience, you learn to realize how it feels when you want something and it doesn't come right away. You also have the time and opportunity to take in the vastness and splendor of the natural beauty around you. You can have some' me time' to relax and distress.

The next thing people will tell you is that fishing is not safe. This is because it is done near the lake and river and for safety reasons it is better if you know how to swim. Well, it isn't necessary to know swimming in order to go fishing. You are not going to get inside the water to catch the fish with your hands is it? If you are careful and know how to swing in the rod from a safe distance and also how to expertly pull it out once the fish has caught the bait, then accidents can be avoided. If you are going fishing for the first time then it is better to have someone experienced with you and plus they can teach you and give you expert tips on the art of fishing.

Then the final myth people have about fishing is going on that guilt trip that catching fish and pulling them from the water, kills them. This is usually the way vegetarians and animal activists think. But when you come to think of it, fish was made for man to eat. Yes, it is also one of the creations of the Almighty but imagine if man didn't eat fish, then the waters would become over populated with them and this would affect the eco system and well as the life cycle of plants, fish and eventually man.

So whatever people tell you against fishing, it cannot beat the facts that fishing gives you that break, that time for yourself, that time to relax and re-energize your senses and also a time to bond with nature and also your family members if they are also with you.

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