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Luxury sport fishing boats are designed to fulfill two purposes. First they are designed to make traveling on the high seas a relaxing and enjoyable experience. Second, they are supposed to help their captain locate, catch and haul in sport fish safely. Most luxury crafts will come with many clever technologies and design concepts that make it easier and more enjoyable to catch big ocean fish. Some of these luxury vessels are intended for private use while others belong to commercial sport fishermen who get paid to take guests out fishing. Other types are used by professional sport fishermen who compete in tournaments or hunt sport fish for a living. Here is a rundown of some of the different kinds that are available.
Recreational Luxury Fishing Boats
These special fish hunting crafts come in a wide array and lengths and sizes, including some that are small, medium and large in size. Recreational style boats are probably the most popular types cruising the waters today. Recreational vessels are typically less than 70 feet in length but most are larger than 25 feet. Many will come with sleeping cabins so they can be used for overnight fishing excursions. They come with plenty of fish finding and navigation technologies, but these types of boats are typically used for recreational purposes, rather than as commercial sport fishing vessels or by professional sport fishermen. Powerful engines, usually on-board styles, a few dozen rod holders, fish nets and comfortable seating arrangements are all features that are typically found on recreational luxury boats.
Competition Sport Boats
These boats are typically used by professional sport fishermen who compete in a number of competitions each year. These serious boats are usually owned by very successful competition sport fishermen. These boats are specifically designed to travel long distances quickly and to bring in large amounts of fish. Competition sport fishing boats may be able to travel as fast as 30 miles an hour and typically use lower amounts of fuel. They are probably going to be made of fiberglass because they are supposed to be strong. They will also most likely have the very best on-board navigation and fish finding technologies available. They are designed to carry a very high level of fishing equipment, such as outriggers, sport fishing deck chairs and fancy fishing rods.
Luxury Commercial
Very few commercial fishing boats could fit into the luxury class, but there are some that do. Often these types of luxury boats will be used by professional sport fishermen who get paid to take customers out to sea to catch really big fish. These boats will have many of same navigational, fish finding and emergency technologies on-board, although they might not be as expensive or high tech as what you would find on a competition sport fishing boat. In addition to fishing equipment, luxury commercial crafts are designed to be comfortable and inviting to their on-board guests.
Ready to step up your ride? Check out our luxury sport fishing boats today!

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