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Imagine a situation. It is an island of 75 meters where fishing and you see two or three tents by car about 3 meters from the island, which is a clear indication of where you should be fishing.

First, you must select the weight to cover the distribution - an advance of two ounces should work perfectly. You should not have a hook at this point you need to cut up the distance. To cut-up, pulled over the head to the area you want to fish but at the end away from the goal. Make sure you look into the background when you're casting, looking at the trees directly in line with where you are casting, it is important for the future (more explained below). If you finish 10 meters below the target, walk 5 meters of a further period of five meters from the line out of the reel. Connect the line to the line clip, then roll in. Make sure you are throwing in the same place every time. New Cast and try to aspire to a little beyond where you are trying to fish. Hold the tip of vertical stem weight flies toward the target so that it maintains the same position of the body at all times. Provide the same body position enables uniform distribution. If you were to lower the bar as the weight flies to the destination you want to allow the cable to move even more, leading to conjecture and is not what you are looking for here. As dark suits, conjecture lead the team lost and lost fish. The line stops when it gets to the line-weight clip and then falling into the water. Now you can be 2 meters below the target, undo clips online, walk a little less than two meters and then cut off again. Repeat this until the deal is exactly where you want it.

Note that if you run 5 yards of the goal, you should leave about 4 meters from the line. The reason for this is that the line extends when the clip strip against the weight of the casting. You learn what is practiced.

Once you are satisfied with the cast and cut-up has to draw the line. For this, you need pole elastic elastic thin pole. Connect a node (as the first part of shoelaces) inches from the line clip and cut as low as possible to avoid snagging when the node starts.

Now you are almost ready, just to correct sequencing ... Here's how:

Put the hook on the line and taken to their destination. The line should hit the line clip and bait should now wherever it is, if not, toss again. Next break the line-clip and put his stick on bite alarms. If you do not cancel the line-clip and a fish will tear your buzzers bar and drag around the lake. Let's assume that 20 minutes later bite alarms scream and you land a carp. Well done! You take the fish and put it back ... but now imagine it's not black and darkness can not see things with its lighthouse. What now?

Not to worry ... You are already setup for this scenario:

1. Remove the hook.

Two. Casting in open water.

Three. Wind until you feel / see the elastic rod.

April. Place the clip on the line.

May. Replace the hook.

June. You can see the silhouette of a tree in the back who threw to where the light and who your target.

July. Foundry. If you hit the clip to be treated the same brand of bait must be in the same area.

August. Remove the staple line and place it back fishing rod on the curbs.

9. Repeat the cycle every time you catch a fish or need to re-cast.

Simple really, is not it? So what happens if you break the line during the night? You lost your cast distance and therefore have to wait days to order again. Right? Not the case. You were smart enough to anticipate earlier this same subject:

1. When you have the remote right cast you thought about this situation.

Two. You put your cane on the floor and walked along the bank in which the weight.

Three. The line suddenly stopped because the line hit the line clip for you to put a mark on the floor where he was.

So at 2 am with the line snapped you put your cane on the floor and walk the line brand new floor, walk up to the bar and put the clip online and make a new piece of elastic. Well, you are ready to fish again, simply restated in the same goal and that is caught in the same place. We fishing your way hope this has been helpful to your fishing experience.

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