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When it comes to trout fishing, selecting the right type of trout fishing bait is mandatory for a good sized catch. After all, it is the bait that will lure your catch and so, it plays a major role in the fishing process. If you want to go old school, you can use corn or cheese. It has been noticed that a small piece of cheese rigged to a set of gang hooks is a great option to lure hatchery trout.
In today's times, there are way too many types of bait to choose from, be it live bait or synthetic bait. Here are some details about live bait and synthetic bait that you should keep in mind, during your trout fishing expedition.
Live trout fishing bait: Night crawlers are highly popular live bait, as they are available easily and have the correct weight for that perfect long cast. Water worms/insect larva and Hellgrammites are two more live bait options to choose from. One thing to note here is that these can get slightly hard to come by, as the summer advances. They can also be hard to work with, while casting longer distances. When the trout are sluggish e.g. during and immediately after the breeding season, you can make use of small minnows. If you are an experienced trout fisherman, you can even use a chunk of sucker meat to catch large sized trout. This may or may not be your preference, but the fact of the matter is it has been known to work. Live crayfish on size 8 gang hooks are also an excellent bait option to catch large sized trout. Minnows - Minnows are another great trout bait, although they can be difficult to carry with you. If you can carry them with you and keep them alive, live minnows are great as trout bait. Use live crickets and grass hoppers as trout bait. In the summertime, a live grasshopper, or hopper pattern is hard to beat. The bottom line is that trout like bugs. Salmon Eggs are most effective in waters where salmon actually spawn. In these waters, salmon eggs are a natural food for trout, but salmon eggs give off a scent that trout like in many waters.
Synthetic bait: Synthetic bait is artificially manufactured bait, which comes in a wide range of sizes, colors, patterns and styles. Due to the fact that trout get attracted to various types of bait based on the season, environmental conditions and types of prey they normally find, synthetic bait can be very effective. It has been seen that trout found in hatcheries get lured very easily by synthetic bait. If you plan to go trout fishing in a still water body that has a high trout population like a still lake, then select synthetic fishing bait. The idea is to experiment with different types of synthetic bait to find out which ones give you the best results.
When it comes to trout fishing bait, there are no set rules. One type of bait may help you with your catch one day and on another, you might have to change the bait. If you want to do well in your trout fishing expedition, experiment with various types of live as well as synthetic bait.
JB is a trout fishing enthusiast and the writer of "The Essential Trout Fishing Guide []." For more great information on trout fishing, visit [].

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