
Trout are a type of freshwater fish that are in the same subfamily (Salmoninae) as their close companion the salmon. These fish can be found near the Pacific or Atlantic Ocean, and there are a variety of different species of trout that are determined based on their location and characteristics.

Some trout, most notably the steelhead trout, are more alike their salmon brethren than others due to their migratory nature. These trout will spend most of their time in the sea before they decide to make the long trek upstream to procreate and lay eggs. Other trout, such as the Lake Trout, will spend their entire lives in the freshwater lakes and rivers, never entering the sea or making difficult voyages upstream.

Species of Trout

There are a variety of different species and subspecies. Some of these species include: apache, golden, rainbow, steelhead, cut throat, bull, brown and brook trout.


Trout are often found in streams, rivers, and lakes, however some are often found in the sea. Additionally trout are native to multiple locations such as Asia, Europe, UK, and North America; however they were introduced by humans to Australia and New Zealand.


Trout will often feast on bugs, smaller fish, and other small aquatic creatures that they can fit in their mouths. In many areas where trout live close to salmon, they will also devour the eggs of their salmon counterparts, completely decimating entire hatches laid by the female salmon.


As fully grown fish, trout are hunted and eaten by bears, large birds of prey, otters, raccoons, and other animals. When they are eggs, or newly hatched, they are eaten mostly by other fish should they not stay hidden enough in the beds of lakes and rivers.

Benefits of eating trout

Trout, when cooked, is a delicious fish that is high in a variety of proteins and Omega-3 fatty acids. Additionally trout is very low in fat, making it an excellent diet option for those looking to stay healthy and improve their body. Just a small three ounce serving of trout will provide a person with 37% of their daily allowance of protein! Even the American Heart Association recommends that people eat several servings of trout or similar fish at around two times a week as a way to improve and maintain a healthy heart.

Salmon is a very common fish that is indigenous to the north Atlantic and Pacific oceans. These fish are further split up into different species of salmon and will vary by location and appearance. If you are interested in learning more about Salmon then continue reading below for facts about the different species of salmon, their reproduction methods, predators, and more.

Species of Salmon

There are several different species of salmon which are separated by their location and characteristics. The two main locations are the Atlantic and Pacific Ocean:

Atlantic Ocean - In the Atlantic Ocean and the nearby rivers there is only the Atlantic salmon.

Pacific Ocean - Here there are a variety of salmon species. These species include: Chinook, chum, coho, pink, sockeye, steelhead and masu salmon.

Life and Reproduction

In the wild, adult salmon will migrate from the ocean up to freshwater rivers and streams to reproduce and lay their eggs. The female salmon will first decide where she wants to lay her eggs, and then she will use her tail to create a small depression. Once she is satisfied with the location she will lay her eggs and await a male to come fertilize the eggs. Once the male does so, the female salmon will then cover the depression and create another depression at a different location. Those eggs will then hatch and go through various stages of growth before they migrate downstream and enter into the ocean.

While most species of salmon follow these migratory tendencies, there are several that spend their entire lives in fresh water, such as the kokanee salmon or even the Danube salmon.


Bears are the most common predator for salmon. They await their upstream migration and have voracious appetites. Another threat to salmon is other fish. While salmon may be larger fish after a few seasons, their eggs and hatchlings are quite vulnerable. Fish, lizards, and humans using salmon eggs for bait can decimate the population and significantly curb the number of potential salmon for the upcoming season.

Other Facts

Salmon is a very nutritious and delightful fish to eat. Salmon meat contains Vitamins A, B, and D. It also has Omega-3 in it, meaning it is excellent for heart health as well as eyesight. Additionally, Salmon lacks the strong fishy smell that other lower quality fish possess when cooked. To keep up with the demand for salmon meat, there are numerous fish farms where they are bred and raised for consumption.

Should you be looking to catch both these fish species, then alaska fishing trips is regarded as the best place to do so.

When in Alaska there really is a great experience to be had with http://www.mgfalaska.com who have over 30 years wealth of experience with both species of fish.

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=James_Farazmand

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