Catch and release has become the preferred method for most sport fishermen these days. Tighter restrictions, better management and social conscience have been key in ensuring continuation and increased opportunities for our sport. That being said all released fish do not survive. An estimated 5-10% of releases succumb to the stress of being handled. An over worked trout, much like an overworked human, builds up lactic acid. Although the human body can synthesize lactic acid in a short period, a fish can take up to 70 hours to recover. A recovering trout may be lethargic, have difficulty avoiding predators and is less likely to feed.
There are measures an angler can take while fishing to lessen stress to the fish thus increasing it's odds of survival. The biggest key factor is total contact time. Contact time consists of 3 phases.
1. Retrieval
2. Landing
3. Handling and release
For each one of these phases there are steps and techniques to reduce stress on the fish.
After working that pool or bench for a few casts you suddenly have a nice rainbow dancing on the end of your line. Maybe it's been a less than productive day; it's pretty exciting to finally have a hit. Before you pull that rod back at mach 3 to set the fish regain yourself and give a nice steady but controlled pull, you increase your odds of keeping the fish on the line and prevent causing damage to the fishes mouth in the event of a lip hook. Try to retrieve the fish in a timely fashion. If you are fishing moving water and the fish is downstream try and work towards the fish as you retrieve, this will prevent dragging a fish against the current and reduce stress.
You have the fish to your boat, tube or fishing area. Be prepared to handle it. If you are using a net have it easily accessible and have any tools you might use ready to go, I prefer micro-pliers. Be sure not to let the fish run into the side of your boat or if you are fishing moving waters be sure the fish doesn't run onto any rocks. If you are fishing with a friend ask them to assist you in handling the fish, whether they net the fish or release the fish a fishing buddy can always assist. Ask yourself if the fish needs to come out of the water. For smaller fish or if you are stream fishing there might not be a need to actually touch the fish, you can release it while it remains in the water.
Handling and Release
Try to keep the fish in contact with the water, even while in a net or cradle. If you have a partner who would like to take a photo be sure the camera is ready and they are waiting. Gently remove the hook from the fish and either release it or if you are taking a photo slip one hand gently under the fish while the other hand grasps the tail. Quickly take your photo and immediately release the fish. When releasing ensure the fish seems strong enough to swim. Hold it gently by the tail and look for signs of immediate swimming action. If the fish seems lethargic gently move it front to back in short slow actions and hold the fish until you feel it is capable of swimming.
If you feel a fish is injured and will not survive and if the regulations allow it the best thing to do is to keep the fish. It's pointless to release a fish that will not survive. Keep in mind it will not necessarily go to waste, all fish go back into the ecosystem and are recycled in some form, but if you are like me a little fish fry once in awhile is a pleasure.
Although most of this is fairly common knowledge for experienced fly fishermen it's a simple guideline for some beginners. Good fishing!
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