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Not long ago, I was talking with an acquaintance about how animals often navigated by way of the magnetic North Pole. He noted that his brother was a marine biologist and was always interested in such things. Specifically we talked about a recent Wall Street Journal article on the topic of Salmon using their internal biological magnetic compass to return to the streams they'd followed out to the sea. Okay so, let's talk about how fishermen might use this knowledge to catch adult Salmon in the wild in the Pacific Ocean for a moment if we might?

NPR Had a special segment on February 7, 2013 titled; "Animal Magnetism: How Salmon Find Their Way Back Home," by Sarah Zielinski. The article also noted; "Magnetic detection "is one part of their toolkit for being really efficient navigators," says the study's lead author, Nathan Putman, a postdoctoral researcher at Oregon State University in Corvallis. The fish also use their sense of smell to help them locate the exact stream of their birth."

The BBC reading a similar research paper also reminded us all that; "Sea turtles, elephant seals and many other fish, including eels, tuna and sturgeon, have a similar migratory strategy," a scientist explained; this in the BBC article; "Sockeye salmon sense magnetic field of home," by Helen Briggs, also on February 7, 2013.

Well, if we can duplicate the smell and use a fake magnetic signal to lure large numbers of fish into holding areas for collection. Then turn off the magnetic signal and release the rest of them, the remainder would work to find their way back to their actual stream outlet and swim back up to spawn and continue the process for next year's run.

Some might say that these deceptive tactics are unfair to the salmon. In some years Salmon fishing is protected, or limited. Still, for those who might claim this as a problem, we must also understand that fish-finder radars, cross-river netting, and other high-tech tools are already being used.

Okay so, if the fishing vessel were to take on 20,000 gallons of water at a river outlet to the sea, they would have the same smell of that particular river to dump into the ocean around their boats, as they lured the salmon which were ready to head back to spawn with a false magnetic reading. That is if this particular research paper and the stories are correct, and that the salmon actually do use magnetic field navigation as part of their migratory strategy. Indeed I hope you will please consider all this and think on it.

Lance Winslow has launched a new provocative series of eBooks on Future Concepts. Lance Winslow is a retired Founder of a Nationwide Franchise Chain, and now runs the Online Think Tank;

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