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In this Guide for trout fishing here is some information and tips that could be helpful in the success of your fishing trip. It is always a good idea to to have some basic trout knowledge before heading out onto the lake or river.

River Fishing Tips

* You want to try to use a 7 to 9 foot rod when fishing in streams and brooks

* Cast towards the bank at an area where trout can hide such as, logs, big rocks, over hanging bushes or trees anywhere that they can hide is where they will be. They are protecting themselves from over head prey like birds.

* Try using different types of lures until you find what they are eating. You can also try natural baits as well. Some of the best lures to use is flies, spinners and spoons. The best natural bait to use is may flies, crayfish, nymphs, and nightcrawlers. Nightcrawlers are the perfect weight for casting and trout love them. They also are easy to find and are plentiful. Nymphs are also a good bait to use. Cast out the line and let the nymph roll along the bottom a little while and bam you got him.

* Tout tend to lie and wait in the deeper pools of water, so focus your attention there first before you fish the more shallow areas.

Tips for Lake Trout Fishing

* Lake trout are found in the colder lakes in Canada and the Great Lakes. They are also found in the higher elevation lakes of Rocky Mountains and the Northwest of the United States. They seek a water temperature of 40 to 52 degrees F. Although they will venture into rivers and creeks they normally spend their entire life in lakes.

* When the ice breaks at the top of the lakes they can found at around 15 feet deep, during the spring 30 to 50 feet deep, and during the summer you will have to fish around 80 to 100 feet deep. This because of the temperatures of the water are colder the deeper you go.

* Trolling is one way many lake trout are caught. They will take would take large spoons attached to wire-lines and drag behind a boat at ideal speed. Lake trout can provide a pleasurable fishing trip not knowing when you will hang a monster trout.

Again you should always study a trout fishing guide to get further information on trout fishing, it keep way ahead in the game. Always remember to eat what you keep and release the rest.

My name is Phillip Wayne and I am a trout fishing expert. I have dedicated my life to understanding and catching trout. For more information on Trout Information, or feel free to visit my website at

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