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Some people have fished through more than 100 streams in Colorado, and the good thing about it is that most people love them all. However, an article about 100 different streams in Colorado is worthy of a book. For this article, let us just focus on four favorite spots you can find throughout Colorado. Some readers may be disappointed not to see their favorite place, especially considering that these spots are mostly focused on the south central and southwest sections of Colorado. The South Platte does offer some beautiful fishing experiences (especially great technical fishing) but you are often competing with plenty of other anglers. Let us look at some of the best Colorado fly fishing rivers.

The Animas River

It was not too long ago that people assumed that the Animas River was a river in decline - and while it may have been true at the time, it certainly came back. Located in southwest Colorado, this river has plenty of browns and rainbows, and the occasional brook and cutthroat trout. There is some tremendous fly-fishing to be had below Durango. If you can get the flies into the undercut banks or deep enough to the browns, you can enjoy one of the best Colorado fly fishing rivers here.

The Piedra River

This river is located east of Durango, and is actually a canyon river. Here you can find many foot-long stocked rainbows and fat browns that are located within the 40 miles of deep pools and pocket water. This truly offers some of the wildest country in the West and it flows through granite box canyons that feel quite isolated. If you are looking for a place to get away from the masses and enjoy a bit of solitude, Colorado fly fishing rivers do not get more scenic than this.

Dolores River

With the McPhee Reservoir being constructed in 1986, it opened up this trout fishery. In only a few short years, it started producing large, wild trout. While it may not have been as great as it was a few years ago (drought had something to do with that) it is still worth visiting. This is certainly a challenging river for novices and that is why it is recommended to have an expert guide take you. It has brown trout, rainbow trout, and Snake River cutthroat trout. The wildlife here is quite spectacular as well; eagles, turkeys, deer, and even bears have been spotted here before.

Rio Grande

When it comes to Colorado fly fishing rivers, the Rio Grande truly has some of the most beautiful scenery you are going to find throughout Colorado. There are plenty of trout, the mountains are majestic, the air is clean and crisp, and the water looks pure. You can find brown, rainbow, and some cutthroat and brook trout here.

Find out more about fly fishing at Kens Anglers offers you a great fly fishing experience on some of the premier rivers of Colorado. You can also avail guidance from friendly fly fishing guides who will only make your experience even memorable. Spend several days enjoying the beauty of nature and some adventurous fly fishing in Colorado, whether you are a complete amateur or a seasoned veteran.

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