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When you watch videos of fly fishing and casting they make it look so smooth and graceful, almost like a dance. And watching those experts at work has 2 effects: you want to get out there and do it yourself, but you're afraid to try because you just know you'd never be able to pull it off. Well, it's not as hard as you might think. Here are some fly fishing and casting tips to help you get started.

Be Patient

The key to fly fishing is patience. It's going to take some practice to learn how to do it right. But even after you've gained some skill you'll still need to be patient when you're out there on the water. Many a fish has been lost because the angler pulled the fly just a second too soon.

You'll Need To Practice

Few people are born knowing how to fly fish. It's a skill you have to learn and practice makes perfect. The good news is - you can practice anywhere, you don't need to be anywhere near water to learn. In fact, one of the best places to practice is your own backyard. So don't wait until you 'have the time.' Just do it!

Learn One Technique

If you have a collection of videos or websites you're using to learn casting - STOP! Pick just one. It doesn't even matter which one you choose. Pick one and practice that technique until you've got it down pat. You know the old saying about too many cooks spoiling the broth? The same holds true when you're learning to cast.

Timing Is Everything

Fly fishing and casting looks like a dance because, just like a good waltz, timing is everything. Your casts have to be smooth and properly timed. Back cast, forward cast, release - these are the steps of your dance. Your transitions, or timing, will vary depending on the length and angle of your cast but each step has to move smoothly into the next. If you're having trouble with your cast then, typically, it's because your timing is off.

Think Like A Fly

The one mistake most beginners make is to aim their strike into the water. But you're using a fly as bait and flies land on the water, not in it. Aim at a spot above the water where you want the fly to land to it can lend gently on the surface, like a real fly would. Sending your fly into the water just scares the fish away.

Find A Good Teacher

Of course, the best way to learn fly fishing and casting is to find a good teacher. There's a lot more to fly fishing then just knowing how to cast and even the most experienced anglers learn something new every time they go out on the water. Start by learning the basics from someone who really knows what they're doing and you'll have a lot more fun.

Need fly fishing and casting tips? Visit Ken's Angler's to learn just how easy fly fishing and casting can be.

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