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Bass fly fishing can be a thrilling experience for both beginners and experienced. Nevertheless, fishing for bass can be challenging and satisfying too. Bass have larger mouth than trout, and hence your choice of luring must be more diverse. They fight strong, so when fishing, expect to be exhilarated by this fight. Anyone who enjoys getting to the fresh air to do some fishing may end up having a taste for fly fishing. It is quite popular and involves more than a mere fishing activity - it is fun!
Regardless of whether its smallmouth bass, largemouth bass or striped bass, a fly fishing rod works wonders. Nevertheless, you must remember the fact that they are aggressive and large, one of the main reasons why this fishing becomes challenging.
The thrill of challenge and prize that comes with a bass catch will make all your preparations worthwhile. A 6-7 weight rod can withstand most situations. Most anglers consider 4-5 weight rods better and lighter when playing the bass. Smaller rod may give you headache when casting the larger flies.
Bass are opportunistic feeders. They will bite almost anything. However, flies are best used since they are larger and influence a more aggressive strike. You can try Dahlberg divers, big muddler minnows, leech patterns and wooly buggers. Bass can even eat flies of size 12. Sight plays a huge role in bass feeding. It is believed that the bass can judge the size of prey and the relative distance through sound.
For an effective way to fish for bass is to vary your retrieve from small switches to quick pulls. An effective technique is landing the fly on weed mat or covering and twitching it off.
You can use sinking lines with weight forward taper or double taper. Bass prefer staying near cover and food source. Cover gives the perfect opportunity to ambush the prey. With the bass hanging around, a 9 foot leader is good for clearer waters.
As water starts to cool, smallmouth and largemouth bass starts to leave the cooler deep waters moving to the shallower waters. They also become more active. During this time, it becomes easier to catch the bass using a fly rod.
Fishing during the summer season
In summer, the water continues to cool. Select bass flies that can work from one to three feet deep. As the mid fall enters bass continues to migrate into little deeper water and hence you should get flies that will work a bit deeper.
For surface fishing for bass, try using woolly buggers, bass popping bugs, floating frogs, rat flies and large wooly worms.
Word of advice
Always stick with the fly fishing for bass enough until you get a hang of it. There are several difficulties involved in learning to cast, play fish and retrieve. But anyone can do it if you have the guide of a decent fisherman combined with some practice. It does not require much of coordination. If you stick with it, you will easily learn how to catch the bass on a fly rod, and it can be extremely rewarding for sure.
If you are looking for more information on fly fishing for bass then visit us at, here we have information on everything fly fishing. You can also find tips and advice on the fly fishing basics.

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