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The sport of fishing has a new family member to welcome to the family; saltwater fly fishing is becoming very popular with fresh water fishing enthusiasts.
This sport has gained the respect of many fishermen, since this sport requires the skills and equipment to become successful. The fishing world has seen the emergence of saltwater fly-fishing ever since A.W Dimmock wrote his book 'The Book of the Tarpon' in 1911.
This man is considered the father of American salt water fishing. The sport is tricky and the equipment is different, yet it still has the same allure of fresh water fishing.
The Equipment:
Once you decide to try salt water fly-fishing you will need to gear up, and know what is needed to be successful. The simple fact is you cannot use your freshwater rod or reel for salt water fishing.
And even if you could you shouldn't, the salt can corrode your expensive freshwater rod and reel. This means finding the perfect rod and reel for saltwater. You want to start with a good saltwater fly rod that is a 10 weight, which your local retailer will be able to help you find.
The 10 weight rod is better for making longer cast with larger bate. And when you start saltwater fly-fishing you will quickly realize that the wind is much stronger than normal fresh water fishing. The next purchase is the reel. This should be made for saltwater fishing, hence it needs to stand up to the harsh saltwater conditions.
The thing to remember is you will still have to clean the reel often. Now that you have a rod and reel, start looking for line. The line needed for saltwater fly-fishing should be more expensive than normal, this is because they need to be thicker for larger fish. The line should be dressed with dressing, which will result in better performance.
Tips for Successful Saltwater Fly Fishing:
I don't want to sound like your dad, yet you need to show up prepared. Once you have traveled to your favorite spot make sure you have everything you need, this might include a back up reel and rod.
A good idea is to bring more fish line as well, remember some of the fish you can catch are bigger and stronger then freshwater fish. Make sure to have your license, if you need one in your area.
The weirdest thing to bring will be gloves and band ads, remember this is salt water and it does not feel good inside line cuts. If you are using a boat, or just standing in the ocean remember to bring scissors or a knife, you never know when they will become handy.
This is a great check list that will help you prepare for other items needed:
Chest Waders for beach fishing.
Tide Guides, these will help greatly
Remember you're going to be in the sun, so sun block and protective eye wear is essential.
Lunch, if you're like many fishermen you will spend hours out trying to catch lunch, and as a beginner I wouldn't recommend thinking you will catch it.
A smile, this is a wonderful way to spend form sunrise to sunset.
You're now ready to begin the exciting sport of saltwater fly fishing. The key is to be alert and learn as you go. So get out and enjoy the relaxation of the ocean and the great outdoors.
If you are searching for information on all types of fly fishing then visit us at, here you can find advice and tips on saltwater fly fishing and the equipment needed.

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