
It will not be an exaggeration if we say that a fishing rod and reel can make or break one's fishing trip. From the innumerable choices on these products, it is important to select the accurate rod and reel that is suited to the type fish or the water conditions. The distance of the cast and the smoothness will depend on whether one has the right combination of fishing tackles. It is true that luck plays an important part in fishing, but unless you have the right kind of equipments to support it, luck won't be of much help here.

Fly casting, baitcasting and spin casting are the three basic types of fishing reels used by the anglers. The material of the reel makes a lot of difference while you are casting your line. Reels and rods made of graphite are used in freshwater fishing. On the other hand aluminum reels are more suited to saltwater fishing; it is strong to withstand the high waves and the saltwater corrosion. It must be said here that the material of the reel greatly depends on the type and location of fishing spot.

When we come to rods, we have to talk about fly fishing rods to begin with. These rods cast 'flies' thereby mimicking the movement of the insects like nymphs etc. The artificial flies are made of foam, string, hair etc materials that are made to resemble flies. It is used to catch trout, salmon and other such freshwater species of fish. The fish rods are numbered according to their weight. A fly fishing rod will not work for fishing in the ocean for huge game fish. The rod has to pull the fish from under the water to a boat or on land and so if it is too light a rod and you are trying to pull in a trophy catch, it is going to snap.

While picking the right fishing rod, you also must see to it that the reel is also complementing it. It should match. Beginners generally use a spinning reel as it is hardy to endure a little rough handling from a novice. Spinning reels are made sturdy to withstand the weight of heavier tackle i.e. larger baits and lures, as well as heavier and bigger fish.

Line capacity and line strength are the important factors to consider while fishing. Trout and salmon needs more line as the fish tend to run more with the line, unlike that of the bluegill or perch that are easier to catch with the cast length. If the line used for a stronger fish, it might snap and let the fish get away. The fish once hooked will fight with all its strength to get free and this is when the line might give away if it is not strong enough. The gear ratio of the reels varies according to the type of fish being fished for.

So no matter what type of fish you like catching the best, you need to have the right combinations of the fishing tackle in order to fair well on a fishing trip.

If you wanna get more about HOT Fishing tips. Please go to http://hotfishingtips.com/

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=M_A_Wahyudi

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